Section 1 |
Management of the SACRE and partnership with the LA and other key stakeholders |
How far does the SACRE’s partnership with the LA enable it to carry out its responsibilities effectively? |
Actions |
Lead |
Timescale/cost |
Success criteria |
1A |
Improve the use of local, national and subject specific grants to maximise opportunities for children and young people. |
RE Advisor |
(£500 per annum) |
Pupil voice activities take place on an annual basis including consideration of a conference. |
1B |
Hold meetings at a variety of local places including local places of worship and schools. At least one meeting per year is held face-to-face. |
Chairperson |
Each Meeting |
SACRE Members broaden their experience of faith and education. |
1C |
Develop a clear programme of induction and ongoing training for SACRE members drawing on national (NASACRE) and local resources. |
Chairperson RE Advisor |
Reviewed annually |
All SACRE Members are fully trained and fulfil their roles and responsibilities. |
1D |
Ensure the development plan is costed, as appropriate. Systematically, review sections of the self-evaluation tool and in turn the development plan at each meeting. |
Chairperson CS Rep. |
Ongoing |
A balanced budget is well-managed. Accurate self-evaluation is ongoing and feeds into the Development Plan.
1E |
Share detailed and well-analysed information about the quality of provision for Religious Education and Collective Worship. |
Network Leads |
Each meeting |
SACRE Members understand the impact and consistency of provision across the county. |
1F |
Strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders including NASACRE, RE Hubs, Higher Education… |
RE Advisor ALL |
Engagement with key stakeholders supports continuous improvement and raising of standards. |
1G |
Foster strong relationships with academies through training, support and networking. |
RE Advisor Network Leads |
Ongoing |
Universal engagement with the Agreed Syllabus. |
Section 2 |
Standards and quality of provision of Religious Education |
How effectively does the SACRE, in partnership with the LA, evaluate standards and the quality of provision for RE in schools? How effective are the strategies to improve standards and the quality of provision? |
Actions |
Lead |
Timescale/cost |
Success criteria |
2A |
Widen the number of SACRE members who undertake school visits. Members report to committee on their learning using the agreed format.
Provide support that empowers schools to deliver religious education in their context. |
ALL RE Advisor Network Leads
RE Advisor Network Leads |
Annually |
Programme of visits planned and agreed. Reports evaluated to identify support needs and actions for schools and SACRE.
Schools increasingly engage with a variety of models to successfully deliver provision. |
2B |
Secure an effective reporting cycle for academic outcomes and entries.
Review a cross section of school websites to ensure the RE curriculum is available. |
CS Rep.
ALL Clerk |
Annually |
SACRE Members have a full understanding of academic performance. LA shares data with SACRE in a timely way to celebrate success.
All schools meeting statutory requirements. |
2C |
Understanding of strengths and areas for development in quality of provision across the county leads to targeted support through networks and beacon schools. |
RE Advisor Network Leads |
Ongoing |
Support for schools becomes increasingly bespoke and delivered school-to-school. |
2D |
Further strengthen networks and ways of communication to support school engagement e.g., development of website, use of VSB, maintenance of a contacts list. |
Network Leads |
Ongoing |
Networks provide SACRE with insight into the delivery of provision across the school-system.
Examples of effective practice are shared during network meetings.
Attendance record to network meetings and other training is kept and shared with SACRE. |
2E |
As 1G |
Section 3 |
The effectiveness of the locally agreed syllabus |
How effectively does the SACRE, in partnership with the LA, monitor the impact and evaluate the effectiveness of the agreed syllabus in raising standards? How effectively does the ASC, in partnership with SACRE, make decisions about the use of national guidance and exemplar material in a review of the AS? |
Actions |
Lead |
Timescale/cost |
Success criteria |
3A |
Use the networks to further understand the quality of implementation, the strengths and areas for development of the syllabus.
Undertake a broader mid-point review of the syllabus across all schools. |
RE Advisor Network Leads
Ongoing |
SACRE understands the effectiveness of the syllabus and how schools are supporting each other to improve provision.
Broader review of syllabus involves wide range of stakeholders and feeds back to RE Today. |
3B |
Provide schools with tools to enable them to evaluate the quality of their own curriculum and encourage sharing of strengths and areas for development.
Support schools in developing a body of high-quality resources to deliver the syllabus. |
RE Advisor Network Leads |
Ongoing |
Schools openly self-evaluate their own provision and support one another in addressing areas for development.
A well-managed resource of high-quality materials is accessible to schools. Consideration is given to how best sharing of some specific resources between schools can take place. |
3C |
NA |
3D |
NA |
3E |
NA |
3F |
NA |
Section 4 |
Collective Worship |
How effectively does the SACRE fulfil its responsibilities for the provision and practice of Collective Worship? |
Actions |
Lead |
Timescale/cost |
Success criteria |
4A |
Understand the challenges faced by schools in the delivery of Collective Worship through school visits, surveying and networks.
Monitor provision of collective worship through questionnaires and school visits. |
ALL RE Advisor Network Leads |
Year 1 and 2
Year 2 and 3 |
SACRE Members have engaged with a range of schools and can articulate good practice and challenges faced by schools.
All East Sussex schools meeting statutory requirements for Collective Worship. |
4B |
Provide support and guidance for schools experiencing difficulty in delivering pupil entitlement.
Broaden the training offer to include access to best quality advice on delivery of Collective Worship. |
ALL RE Advisor Network Leads |
Year 1 and 2
Year 2 and 3 |
Schools can readily access the necessary resources to meet expectations. |
4C |
Provide SACRE Members with further training on making Determinations as part of their ongoing training.
Regularly revisit the Determinations Procedure to ensure SACRE Members are familiar with the framework. |
Chairperson RE Advisor
Year 1
Ongoing |
SACRE Members meet requests with a judicious and well-informed appraisal leading to a sound decision communicated clearly to the school. |
Section 5 |
Contribution of SACRE to promoting cohesion across the community |
How effectively does SACRE, in partnership with the Local Authority and the faith communities, contribute to the promoting of cohesion across the community? |
Actions |
Lead |
Timescale/cost |
Success criteria |
5A |
Develop initiatives to ensure diverse representation on the committee: · Outreach to different faith groups · My World, My Faith
Co-opt or encourage ad hoc visits from members of a diverse range of faith groups to understand the work of SACRE and their potential role. |
Representation of diverse groups increases over time increasingly reflecting the local community.
A wide range of different faith groups are given opportunities to attend meetings, share their work and understand the work of SACRE. |
5B |
Draw on analysis of demographic data to understand religious character of the county e.g. Census 2021.
Take steps to reflect those communities in the make-up of the committee. |
RE Advisor ALL
Chairperson ALL |
Regular revisiting
SACRE Members have a demonstrable understanding of the diversity of faith groups across the county and reach out to them to encourage participation. |
5C |
Promote community cohesion through seeking to strengthen engagement with SACRE by faith groups and those with worldviews.
Increase SACRE’s profile in the community by: · Providing profiles and photos for the SACRE website · Attending governor forums · Regularly communicating with schools through the VSB and CZone |
Chairperson RE Advisor ALL |
Annual updates |
SACRE Members can clearly articulate how fulfilment of their duties promotes community cohesion in the county.
SACRE has a known profile in the education system. |
5D |
Take steps to understand how the local authority promotes community cohesion. |
Chairperson ALL |
Ongoing |
SACRE Members are well-informed about how the local authority promotes community cohesion are their role in it. |